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Joko Tingkir Carnival became peak of event Grebeg Syawalan Jurug Solo Zoo 2022

Joko Tingkir Carnival became peak of event Grebeg Syawalan Jurug Solo Zoo 2022

Joko Tingkir Carnival became peak of event Grebeg Syawalan Jurug Solo Zoo 2022

Joko Tingkir Carnival (called Kirab Joko Tingkir) became peak of event Grebeg Syawalan Jurug Solo Zoo 2022, the event was exciting by courtiers carried Gunungan Ketupat and it accompanied by music from Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat palace defile. Gunungan is a conical or triangular structure (tapered peak) inspired by the shape of a mountain (volcano) and Ketupat is a Javanese rice packed inside a diamond-shaped container of woven palm leaf pouch.

Before long followed carnival on horseback, Bandoro Raden Mas Suryo Adhityo Nuswantoro commanded as Joko Tingkir then sailed across the lake in the Jurug Solo Zoo area by riding a gethek to the main performance stage. (gethek means river transportation in the form of an arrangement of objects that can float in water. It’s usually use long bamboo) Grebeg Syawalan Jurug Solo Zoo was held to maintain Javanese cultural traditions (especially in Solo City) Syawalan and Lebaran Ketupat 1443 H.

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