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5000 Lanterns Enliven Chinese New Year Festival 2020

5000 Lanterns Enliven Chinese New Year Festival 2020

5000 Lanterns Enliven Chinese New Year Festival 2020

Welcoming the Chinese New Year 2571 in Solo, 5000 lanterns decorate Pasar Gedhe area to enliven the Chinese New Year Festival 2020 and Grebeg Sudiro events which are held annually in Solo as the national event.

Besides the round lanterns, 12 zodiac lanterns, money god lanterns, and 6 mascot zodiac lantern also decorate Pasar Gedhe area.

Grebeg Sudiro will be the primary event in welcoming the Chinese New Year Festival 2020 used by the Solo residents as a symbol of intermingling and harmony between Chinese and Javanese who lived side by side in Solo. Others series of events including:
1. Chinese New Year Photography Competition, 10th January – 10th February 2020
2. Solo Chinese New Year Fair, 14th -18th January 2020
3. Blood Donation, 18th January 2020
4. Mandarin Karaoke Competition, 19th January 2020
5. Grebeg Sudiro, 19th January 2020
6. Cap Go Meh Celebration, 8th February 2020

The 5000 lighted up lanterns on 15th January till 25th February 2020 are expected to increase the number of local and foreign tourists to come to Solo in order to improve the economy of Solo citizens.


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