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Puro Mangkunegaran Pracima Tuin Soft Opening 2023

Puro Mangkunegaran Pracima Tuin Soft Opening 2023

Puro Mangkunegaran Pracima Tuin Soft Opening 2023

Puro Mangkunegaran stands majestically since 1757 which added to new outdoor space in Solo city now. The new outdoor space is Pracima Tuin.

Puro Mangkunegaran Pracima Tuin soft opening  ceremony held in Saturday, January 21, 2023. The ceremony symbolized with beating the gong  (Javanese music instrument) by KGPAA Mangkunagoro X, The Mayor of Surakarta Gibran Rakabumingraka and Indonesia’s Minister of State Owned Enterprises  Erick Thohir.

Puro Mangkunegaran Pracima Tuin will become  one of newest tourist attraction and outdoor space which become space for developing arts, cultural collaboration, Micro, small and medium enterprises,  and restaurant which serves Puro Mangkunegaran food.

Pracima Tuin build with garden inspiration in era Mangkunagoro VII will be easy to access to general by reservation first in instagram @pracima.mn


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