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G2O Cultural Carnival and Solo Batik Carnival 2022 became Peak of the Event G20 Agenda in Surakarta city

G2O Cultural Carnival and Solo Batik Carnival 2022 became Peak of the Event G20 Agenda in Surakarta city

G2O Cultural Carnival and Solo Batik Carnival 2022 became Peak of the Event G20 Agenda in Surakarta city

(Thursday, 7/7/2022) G20 Cultural Carnival in the route Stadium Sriwedari to Surakarta town hall welcomed by Surakarta people.

The event became peak of the event G20 agenda in Surakarta City. Representatives of the G20 members from invited countries and international organizations have participated in the Trade Industry and Investment Working Group (TIIWG) discussion agenda in Surakarta which will be held on 6-7 July 2022.

The G20 Cultural Carnival and Solo Batik Carnival event was opened by the Minister of Investment/Head of BPKM and the Mayor of Surakarta by beating a drum as a symbol of the opening of the event. This event aims to echo Indonesia’s G20 Presidency to the Indonesian people, especially Surakarta residents through the Cultural Carnival and introduce Indonesian culture to the G20 delegates.

The Cultural Carnival showed 1 Royal horse cart (called Kereta Kencana) and 15 carriages each carrying G20 delegates  accompanied by members of the Government delegates and Puteri Indonesia, then100 Solo Batik Carnival performers wore modern and creatively Batik costumes modified batik creations from the Stadium Sriwedari to Surakarta City Hall.


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