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The Joyfulness of Closing SIPA 2021

The Joyfulness of Closing SIPA 2021

The Joyfulness of Closing SIPA 2021

Saturday, 9 October 2021, Solo International Performing Arts (SIPA) 2021 was officially closed by Acting Officer of the Surakarta Tourism Office.

On the last day of the performance, SIPA 2021 presented 22 videos of the performance of the delegation, including 12 Indonesian delegates and 10 foreign delegates. There were 5 delegates who performed live on the stage. The closing of SIPA was also enlivened by 2 foreign delegates through zoom cloud meeting which performed directly from their respective countries.

As the closing of SIPA 2021, the three-day series of events will end. This year, SIPA was attended by 18 delegate countries, including Indonesia. With the theme “The Great Light of Arts”, SIPA is expected to be an innovation and revival of economic tourism, especially in term of performances. So that the artists can continue to work and the realization of SIPA as cultural diplomacy between countries. See you at SIPA 2022!


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