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Giving Zakat Fitrah Pasa Alip 1955 Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace tradition to Agung Mosque of Solo

Giving Zakat Fitrah Pasa Alip 1955 Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace tradition to Agung Mosque of Solo

Giving Zakat Fitrah Pasa Alip 1955 Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace tradition to Agung Mosque of Solo

Thursday, April 28th 2022 Giving Zakat Fitrah Pasa Alip 1955 tradition which held by Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace to the Agung Mosque of Solo solemnly. Zakat Fitrah is the obligatory offering, both Muslim men and women, which is carried out in the month of Ramadan until the Eid prayer.

The courtiers (called Abdi dalem is a person who attends at the royal court ) carrying zakat fitrah from Kori Kamandungan to the Agung Mosque of Solo with a convoy of courtiers carrying lanterns accompanied by chanting songs of praise. The courtiers also brought two jolen and thirteen ancak canthoko in a convoy to the Agung Mosque of Solo.

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