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GPH Bhre Cahrahutomo Wira Sudjiwo comfirmed as Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya X (KGPAA X)

GPH Bhre Cahrahutomo Wira Sudjiwo comfirmed as Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya X (KGPAA X)

GPH Bhre Cahrahutomo Wira Sudjiwo comfirmed as Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya X (KGPAA X)

Saturday (12/3/2022), Located in Pendhapa Ageng Pura Mangkunegaran Solo held Jumenengan Dalem Procession  which  was Inaguration Ceremony of GPH Bhre Cahrahutomo Wira Sudjiwo as Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya  X (KGPAA X).  President of Republic Indonesia, Joko Widodo, several government officer and public figure presented in Jumenengan Dalem Procession.

Series of the agenda included the reading of KGPAA Mangkunagoro X by Prameswari Dalem Gusti Kanjeng Putri Mangkunagoro IX, Prisca Marina. Then, the procession  continued with the wearing of Keris Pusaka Dalem, Kanjeng Kiai Wangkingan. The agenda continued  with the reading of Subdadalem (titah / the first declaration as Mangkunagoro X) by KGPAA Mangkunagoro X. After the declaration of KGPAA Mangkunagoro X, there was Bedhaya Anglir Mendhung dance performance. It is a sacred dance by Sambernyawa Prince or Mangkunagoro I danced by 7 females.


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