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Grand Opening Solo Festival Indonesia Culinary Festival 2019

Grand Opening Solo Festival Indonesia Culinary Festival 2019

Grand Opening Solo Festival Indonesia Culinary Festival 2019

Evening Grand Opening Solo Indonesia Festival Culinary Festival takes place on April 4 2019 at 19.00 WIB.

Also attending was AgusRochiyardi as the Borobudur Authority Agency of the Ministry of Tourism who delivered a speech while officially opening the SICF 2019 event. The event was also attended by the Deputy Mayor of Surakarta along with OPD ranks, the regional leadership meeting of the City of Surakarta to the ranks of the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism, not forgetting hundreds of Solo and surrounding communities crowded Vastenburg Fortress to taste the culinary consisting of 200 stands (250 UKM).

AgusRochiyardi said that the SICF is one of the creations and innovations to grow new entrepreneurs in the culinary field so as to minimize unemployment. “This event will further strengthen the cultural characteristics of the city of Solo with its various unique foods, especially with the trend of culinary photographs often recommending places to eat, so Solo will be increasingly known for its culinary delights,” he explained.

Surakarta Deputy Mayor AchmadPurnomo said Solo City is a paradise for people who like to eat or commonly called “keblekilat” in Javanese, coinciding with this SICF event that can make a culinary promotion event, especially traditional Solo specialties that other regions do not have at this time began to sink in the midst of modern culinary.

The official program was opened by steaming the sausage in front of the firedance followed by a culinary stand.


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