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20 Child puppeteer showcase their awesome ability in Dalang Cilik Festival 2019

20 Child puppeteer showcase their awesome ability in Dalang Cilik Festival 2019

20 Child puppeteer showcase their awesome ability in Dalang Cilik Festival 2019

The Child Shadow Puppet Festival (Dalang Cilik Festival 2019) was held at the pavilion in the Surakarta city hall on Wednesday and Thursday (27-28/3/2019). For about 20 contestants comes from several elementary schools in Surakarta City take part in this festival. They are competing with each other showcase their ability in playing Purwa shadow puppets (wayang purwa) Surakarta’s style. This festival will be held for every year and of course the number of participants will surely increase.

Free 2000 bowl of Tengkleng in Solo Indonesia Culinary Festival (SICF) 2019. For Surakarta City residents and tourists who have a hobby of eating Tengkleng certainly won’t miss this agenda. On the first and second days, around 2500 Timlo Solo and 2500 Sosis Solo were distributed and the last day of the Solo Indonesian Culinary Festival (SICF) April, 16th 2019 has been distributed over 2000 bowls of Tengkleng for SICF visitor. Many visitors of this festival willing to queue to get the free Tengkleng making this festival even more festive

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