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Sendratari Ramayana with title “Sinta Obong”

Sendratari Ramayana with title “Sinta Obong”

Sendratari Ramayana with title “Sinta Obong”

Sendratari Ramayana with title “Sinta Obong”.

Performed by Sanggar Gedong Kuning

The story of Sinta proves to her husband Rama that she is still pure while in Alengka and not touched by anyone, proving by burning her body.

Record the date on Friday, November 20, 2020⁣, 18.00-19.30 WIB⁣ Open gate at Balekambang Park Open Stage

Now watching Sendratari Ramayana you must have an entrance ticket. But you can get it for FREE, it’s quite easy to follow these steps:

1. Directly enter the Sendratari Ramayana Ticket page by scanning the QR Code or ⁣ click the link: linktr.ee/infobalekambang

2. Select and click “Obong Sinta Ticket”

3. Fill in your personal data according to the potential audience and get a free ticket which will be sent to your email

4. Show the e-ticket at the entrance in the east gate of Taman Balekambang. ⁣ No need to print tickets

Only limited tickets are available. Certainly by implementing health protocols. ⁣

For those who dont get the tickets, you dont need to be sad! You can still watch through live streaming on Solo Tourism Youtube Channel and Instagram pariwisatasolo.

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