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Opening Ceremony ASEAN Para Games 2022

Opening Ceremony ASEAN Para Games 2022

Opening Ceremony ASEAN Para Games 2022

The Vice President of Indonesia, Ma’ruf Amin officially opened the 2022 ASEAN Para Games XI in Stadion Manahan last Saturday (30/7). Decorated with Wayang performance alongside a lineup of artists from Solo, the opening ceremony of 2022’s ASEAN Para Games was enlivened with cultural performances from all corners of Java. The Governor of Jawa Tengah, Ganjar Pranowo, also attended the opening ceremony in the beginning while tapping Kendang, a two-headed drum instrument used in traditional Javanese music.

Themed Striving for Equality, the latest ASEAN Para Games wanted to show the endeavor to bring equality for everyone. The journey to equality was shown from the opening of the event, which featured disabled singer, Arda, accompanied by Endah Laras and Dodit Mulyanto singing the iconic Bengawan Solo.

Paraded with characters from Wayang such as Bima, Arjuna, Punakawan, and other figures in Wayang, the entrance of competing athletes in the 2022 ASEAN Para Games was welcomed by the sea of 15 thousand audiences.

Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the Mayor of Surakarta as well as the head of INASPOC also attended the event with a grand entrance on top of a horse from the north side of the tribune while wearing traditional Javanese attire.

“Will, bravery, and commitment are what inspire us to reach a further height and fulfill the tagline of ‘Striving for Equality’” Stated the mayor during his speech at the opening ceremony of the 2022 ASEAN Para Games.

Gibran encourages all the athletes that were going to participate in the biennial sporting event to compete with sportsmanship in mind, he also hoped that countries in ASEAN grew stronger in promoting equality.

During the speech of Ma’ruf Amin, the Vice President of Indonesia, expressed that the event was delayed due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, however thanks to the strong spirit and determination of all parties, the challenge to carry out the ASEAN Para Games was overcome.

“ASEAN Para Games become a friendly event between ASEAN countries to further enhance international relations between ASEAN countries, with this, I announce that the 2022 ASEAN Para Games is officially open,” Said Ma’ruf Amin, followed by Keris lifting ceremony as a symbol of the start of the 2022 ASEAN Para Games.

After Vietnam’s withdrawal as the host of the ASEAN Para Games, Indonesia stepped in as a substitute and conduct the event in two cities, Solo and Semarang (exclusively for para-Swimming).

The 2022 ASEAN Para Games is attended by athletes from 11 countries comprising Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Laos, Timor Leste, and Brunei Darussalam.

Thousands of athletes will compete in 14 sports branches, comprising Blind Judo, Para-Athletic, Para-Swimming, Para-Table Tennis, Para-Badminton, Para-Chess, Sitting Volleyball, CP Football, Para-Weightlifting, Para-Archery, Boccia, Goalball, Wheelchair Basketball, and Wheelchair Tennis.


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