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Solo International Performing Arts 2022

Solo International Performing Arts 2022

Solo International Performing Arts 2022

There are numerous events that have been a part of Kota Solo, Solo International Performing Arts is one of them. Since its creation in 2009, SIPA has become one of the most anticipated events in Solo’s event calendar.

After the dreadful year of 2020 which forced SIPA to conduct its event virtually, and a drive-in concept of 2021’s SIPA which limited the audience’s access to the event that was held in Bengawan Solo Park, SIPA finally returns to Benteng Vastenburg in 2022 with full walk-in access for people of Solo to enjoy.

Featuring the theme Art as The Spirit of Life Changing, 2022’s SIPA was held from September 8th until September 10th, 2022. This year, invited numerous performers both domestically and internationally. It was not limited to performers from Asia, but also from France, Brazil, Mexico, to Spain.

The Fourteenth  SIPA 2022 opened with a performance from Rianto, a Banyumas-born Lengger Lanang dancer and a choreographer whose life as a Lengger Lanang dancer has been brought to the silver screen by Gari Nugroho’s Kucumbu Tubuh Indahku, a movie released in 2018 about the story of a Lengger Lanang dancer.

SIPA 2022 opening ceremony on September 8th 2022 showed the mascot of the event was Rianto, continued by the greeting of Kim Yong Woon as Korean Culture Center Indonesia (KCCI) Director while at the same time Garuda Taekwondo performance. Representative from India, Pooja Bhatnagar also performed  their performing art in the first day Solo International Performing Arts.

SIPA this year isn’t just a show about performing arts, there’s also a stand from Badan Otorita Borobudur (BOB) right ahead after the visitors’ entrance to Benteng Vastenburg. Not to mention, there are many culinary tenants in case visitors’ are hungry for snacks.


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