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Solo Welcomes The Tourists of Inaugural Flight from Kunming, China

Solo Welcomes The Tourists of Inaugural Flight from Kunming, China

Solo Welcomes The Tourists of Inaugural Flight from Kunming, China

Thursday (1/8/2019) took place in Lojigandrung, Mayor of Surakarta, FX. Hadi Rudyatmo received 174 tourists visiting the inaugural flight from Kunming City of China at his official residence.

In his remarks the Mayor of Surakarta welcomed him in the Solo City. The Solo City is a safe and comfortable city to visit, even the city of Solo is said to be the most comfortable city in the Indonesian version of Kompas. The Mayor of Surakarta hopes that this visit can increase friendship between citizens of the City of Kunming China and the City of Solo in Indonesia.

At the end of the speech, the Mayor of Surakarta handed over a kris souvenir to the group leader, Mrs. Mo Yin Yan. The Mayor of Surakarta said that the Keris was not just a weapon but had a meaning, namely the Indonesian People’s Economic Awakening, Surakarta. “So later if you ladies and gentlemen shop in the city of Solo, it means you can interpret the meaning of the Keris that I convey.”

At the end of the event, the tourists were also spoiled by Solo’s culinary offerings, including Nasi Timlo, Nasi Liwet.


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