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Wayang Orang Sriwedari Entertain the Audience Through Online Performances

Wayang Orang Sriwedari Entertain the Audience Through Online Performances

Wayang Orang Sriwedari Entertain the Audience Through Online Performances

Since Solo was set to be an outbreak city related to the covid-19 pandemic, Wayang Orang Sriwedari have been closed or there is no stage performance.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020 Wayang Orang Sriwedari was held online performance at 1 p.m, with the play “Saka Uni”.

Wayang Orang Sriwedari online performance will be held again in the afternoon at 1 p.m (West Indonesia Time) through the instagram live @wayang_wong_sriwedari and @pariwisatasolo.


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