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Kirab Agung Carnaval in Tingalan Dalem Jumenengan

Kirab Agung Carnaval in Tingalan Dalem Jumenengan

Kirab Agung Carnaval in Tingalan Dalem Jumenengan

(Thursday, 02/16/2023) The Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace held a grand carnival in the Tingalan Dalem Jumenengan event, which was a commemoration of the 19th ascension to the throne of Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Susuhunan (SISKS) Pakubuwono (PB) XIII.

Tingalan Dalem Jumenengan is a sacred traditional tradition ceremony and it offered the Bedhaya Ketawang dance which was estimated to be hundreds of years old.

During the carnival, the King and Empress of the Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace boarded the Garuda Kencana Train pulled by eight horses. The Crown Prince of the Palace also boarded the Garuda Putra Train together with the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

Even though it was delayed by a heavy rain, the Great Carnival continued smoothly and was very sacred. Many people enthusiastically watched the event and it is hoped that the community can understand the history and purpose of the carnival.


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