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Wayang Kulit Performance with the Play “Bima Suci”

Wayang Kulit Performance with the Play “Bima Suci”

Wayang Kulit Performance with the Play “Bima Suci”

To maintain the existence of wayang kulit during the pandemic, The Wayang Kulit Performance taking the play “Bima Suci”, presented by Culture Office of Surakarta and Pepadi of Surakarta ready to entertain loyal puppet fans through Anjani Solo YouTube Channel, Purbo Asmoro Official YouTube Channel, Solo Tourism YouTube Channel, and Surakarta Culture Office YouTube Channel.

The Wayang Kulit Performance “Bima Suci” is played by three well-known puppeteers, namely:
Ki Dr. Bambang Suwarno, S.Kar., M.Hum.
Ki Purbo Asmoro, S.Kar., M.Hum.
Ki Lukas Prana Wisnu Aji, S.Sn.

Watch live stream on Saturday, February 13, 2021 at 7.30 p.m.


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