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“Culture UNITY Adiluhung Pesona Bangsa” became the theme of the 14th Solo Batik Fashion 2022

“Culture UNITY Adiluhung Pesona Bangsa” became the theme of the 14th Solo Batik Fashion 2022

“Culture UNITY Adiluhung Pesona Bangsa” became the theme of the 14th Solo Batik Fashion 2022

The 14th Solo Batik Fashion 2022 told the Batik story of 3 regions, a masterpiece of Chinese with coloring from 3 cities, Lasem city, Pekalongan city, and  Solo city.

“Culture UNITY Adiluhung Pesona Bangsa” became the theme of the 14th Solo Batik Fashion 2022, The cultural unity of the nation’s is high which has high value in culture, and in Solo city the value become the main element, so that we hope Solo Batik Fashion event will continue to be the pulse of the fashion industry that will raise art activists in the fashion industry, especially UMKM(Micro, small and medium enterprises).The 14th Solo Batik Fashion held in five days on Oktober 1st to Oktober 5th 2022 and it held in two venues at the same in Pendhapi Gede, City Hall  and Paragon Lifestyle Mall.


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