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The Meaning of Solo City Mascot “Rajamala”

The Meaning of Solo City Mascot “Rajamala”

The Meaning of Solo City Mascot “Rajamala”

The figure of Rajamala is a representation of the Rajamala puppet character who has unparalleled supernatural powers. This mascot is visualized as a red character with sharp teeth, bulging eyes, and a thick mustache. In his designs, Rajamala wears typical puppet clothes and also contemporary, modern clothes. This is intended to describe the vision of the City of Solo as a cultural city that is modern, resilient, agile, creative and prosperous. The Rajamala mascot design is the work of the winner of the Rajamala Mascot Design Competition, namely A. Bambang Marsantriantoro from Sleman Regency.

Rajamala was chosen as the mascot for the city of Solo because this character is known as a powerful figure who is able to repel negative aura. This is in line with the goal of the Solo City to raise spirits, health and economic conditions that must be restored quickly after the pandemic.

Another reason for choosing Rajamala as the mascot for the Solo City because this is part of the City Government’s efforts to preserve and reinforce the existence of Rajamala as a legacy that expresses the traditional culture of Surakarta Hadiningrat. The first time the figure of Rajamala appeared in the history of the Surakarta Sunanate was when Rajamala was used as a canthik or the tip of a boat named Kyai Rajamala. This boat was made in the 18th century by the son of Sri Susuhunan Paku Buwono IV, Raden Mas Sugandhi, who at that time was the crown prince. Kyai Rajamala’s boat was used as the official ship of the Surakarta Kasunanan Palace until the reign of Paku Buwono VII.

Now, the Canthik Kapal Kyai Rajamala library is stored in the Radya Pustaka Museum and the Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace Museum.


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