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Solo Batik Carnival : “Metaverse The Precious Legacy”

Solo Batik Carnival : “Metaverse The Precious Legacy”

Solo Batik Carnival : “Metaverse The Precious Legacy”

Solo – Solo Batik Carnival (SBC) is an annual event held by the Surakarta City Government, using batik as the main material for making costumes. The participants will create costumes with defined themes. The participants will wear their own costumes and walk on the catwalk on Slamet Riyadi street. The carnival has been held annually in June since 2008.

Press conference of 13th of SBC held on August 13, 2022 at Loji Gandrung with the theme Metaverse “The Precious Legacy”. The term metaverse means “Beyond the World” which refers to creativity in art, especially in the world of fashion/carnival that increasingly transcend barriers and various standard and rigid boundaries. This event is one of a series of Solo Batik Carnival, which the main event will be held on October 2, 2022.

13th Solo Batik Carnival collaborates with Kotamaya, a start-up company in the field of mobile apps that is focusing on developing virtual experience social application. Solo Batik Carnival and Kotamaya tries to present Solo Batik Carnival with a different concept, by referring to futuristic technological advances, which focus on the presence of smartphones that allow an event can be instantly and simultaneously witnessed in any place, which also change the people’s mindset regarding the basis of unlimited creativity even in limited circumstances.

The concept that will be carried in 13th Solo Batik Carnival includes Royal Kingdom, Heritage Heredity, and Empire Intergalactic. This concept of Royal Kingdom here refers to Karaton (Palace). Karaton is the center of culture of Adiluhung (dignified and has high value) in Surakarta. The concept of Heritage Heredity has the meaning of timeless hereditary tradition. This implies, despite the fact that times have developed rapidly, yet batik still has high artistic value and has been part of Indonesian Culture for a long time. While the concept of Intergalactic Empire has the meaning of a galactic kingdom. This sub theme refers to robotic-themed costumes with the use of metallic colors.

There are several names that played a role in the success of 13th Solo Batik Carnival event, the president of the Solo Batik Carnival Foundation Lia Imelda and the Art Director Ade Sugriwa.

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