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The Dalang Cilik Festival is Officially Closed

The Dalang Cilik Festival is Officially Closed

The Dalang Cilik Festival is Officially Closed

Thursday (03/28/2019) The Dalang Cilik Festival is officially closed by the Head of the Culture Office Department, Mr. Kinkin Sultanul Hakim. Located in Pendhapi Gedhe Surakarta City Hall, the event which was held for two days from 27th to 28th March 2019 was success. A total of 20 participants from category A (grade 1 – grade 3 elementary school) and category B (grade 4 – grade 6 elementary school) came from various art studios and schools in Solo City participated in this festival.

Kinkin hopes that this event can be used by the Surakarta City Government to preserving culture, one of them is Wayang Kulit. Also to increase the children creativity who like and capable of being dalang cilik. He said “Hopefully this activity can be a branding of the city of Surakarta as a City of Culture”

The event was closed with the submission of prizes in the form of certificates, coaching money and trophies to the best dalang and favorite dalang:

The best Dalang Cilik Winner category A as follows:

  1. Gibran Maheswara Javas S.  with 925 marks, who brought the play entitled Anoman Obong from SD Muhammadiyah I Ketelan
  2. Yusuf Ratda Mulya with 918 marks, who brought the play, entitled Bima Bungkus from SD N. Sekip II No. 15.
  3. Ainullah Khoirul Azam with 904 marks, who brought the play, entitled Anoman Duta from SD N Jagalan.
  4. Arka Phinandhita Arsaja who brought the play, entitled Gatotkaca Winisuda from SD N. Cemara Dua No. 13

The best Dalang Cilik Winner category B as follows:

  1. Rengga Mega Atmaja with 947 marks, who brought the play, entitled Ngguru from SD Muhammadiyah Alam Surya Mentari.
  2.  Handika Dhimas Sri Cahyanto with 901 marks, who brought the play, entitled Kangsa Lena from SD N. Cengklik.
  3. Resendriya Apta Pratista with 898 marks, who brought the play entitled Dewa Ruci from SD N. Jagalan.
  4.  Dendra Ramadhani Putra from SD N. Kleco I.

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