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The Election of Putra Putri Solo 2019 went on Rousing

The Election of Putra Putri Solo 2019 went on Rousing

The Election of Putra Putri Solo 2019 went on Rousing

(Saturday 3/8/2019) The 2019 finalist selection for Putra Putri Solo (PPS) which took place in the Surakarta City Hall was successfully held. The event was attended by the Deputy Mayor, the Regional Secretary along with the ranks of the Surakarta Regional Apparatus Organization, the Favorite Putri Indonesian of Central Java, the Tourism Ambassador in Soloraya and the invited guests present.

The night of the Putra Putri Solo election took place lively and was colored by fragments of the Spirit of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia who played by members of the Putra Putri Solo Society. A number of characters and philosophies of the nation’s founding fathers and heroes will be presented as such, Bung Karno, Bung Hatta, Paku Buwono X, General Sudirman, Gus Dur, RA Kartini, Ki Hajar dewantoro, Fatmawati, and Mangkunegoro IV.

Deputy Mayor of Surakarta Ahmad Purnomo in his remarks conveyed that the existence of Putra Putri solo was not only a cultural and tourism art, but also how Putra Putri Solo were able to compare the city of solo as a city of culture both nationally and internationally.

The Chairperson of the Organizing Committee, Febry Hapsari Dipokusumo, conveyed that this activity was entirely carried out entirely by the young women of the city of Solo who were members of the Solo boys and girls association. The selection of Putra Putri Solo is not just this event, it has been almost 2 weeks to proceed to do a series of debriefing which is all escorted by senior seniors.

This year the Election of Putri Solo carries the theme Solo The Spirit of Indonesia. Our hope that Solo will not only produce young children who are cultured and become tourism ambassadors but also love the earth and its people, said Chair of the Organizing Committee Febry Hapsari Dipokusumo.

The 2019 Putra Putri of Solo champion goes to Haryo Tangguh and Hanna Fattala, the Putra Putri of Solo II Markus Ashadi and Anastasia, Ghevi Putra Putri of Solo III Rizky Fajar Pambudi and Ivena Sam Eden, the Putra Putri Ward Rizky Adi Patria and Anthea Reyndha, the Favorite Putra Putri Gilang Pamungkas and Ainunna Via, and the Putri of Friendship fell to Revin Budi and Marsha Maurilla.

PPS finalists are not only limited to tourism ambassadors, but more than that they must have personality, intelligence, and appearance that can be exemplary for other young people. It is hoped that PPS will be able to give birth to a generation of young people who have superior personality, full of ethics and manners, good manners so that they can show the soul of personality as a whole, with character and quality as the Indonesian nation.


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