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Chinese New Year Celebration, Mayor and Kapolresta Surakarta Play Dragon Liong Attractions

Chinese New Year Celebration, Mayor and Kapolresta Surakarta Play Dragon Liong Attractions

Chinese New Year Celebration, Mayor and Kapolresta Surakarta Play Dragon Liong Attractions

Thousands of local came around the City Hall to Pasar Gede on Friday, January 24, 2020 to celebrate the Chinese New Year of 2571.

The lanterns attract people and tourists to enjoy the beauty of Solo City. Besides, there are also some events that enliven Solo Chinese New Year Festival 2020 such as Grebeg Sudiro, lion dance, Kali Pepe bout tours, and the peak is Chinese New Year 2571 celebration night.

Two stages are prepared to entertain the visitors. A music stage is in front of Gede market starts entertaining visitors since evening. While the other stage is right in front of City Hall. On the stage, several Liong and Barongsai community perform at midnight.

Mayor FX. Hadi Rudyanto and Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Pol Andy Rifai are appeared on the stage of Lion dance performance. FX. Hadi Rudyatmo and Andy Rifai took part in playing Naga Liong as a reflection of the harmony of life culture of the Surakarta people who prioritize a fraternity of harmony and tolerance.


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