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Solo Indonesian Culinary Festival 2023

Solo Indonesian Culinary Festival 2023

Solo Indonesian Culinary Festival 2023

(Thursday, 09/03/2023) Solo Indonesia Culinary Festival 2023 (SICF) Opening Ceremony which took place at 07.00 PM was officially opened by the Deputy Mayor of Surakarta, Teguh Prakosa.

Even though it was raining heavily in the afternoon, Vasternburg Fort, which was used as the SICF 2023 location, was still busy with visitors.

You can see the enthusiasm of the people to participate in burning satay together at the Sate Fiesta event. As many as 10,000 skewers of processed satay that had been burnt were immediately attacked by culinary connoisseurs.

Come to SICF 2023! Still until March 12, 2023 you know. you can enjoy a variety of traditional Javanese and Indonesian culinary delights.


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