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Solo Great Sale Opening Ceremony 2020

Solo Great Sale Opening Ceremony 2020

Solo Great Sale Opening Ceremony 2020

Welcoming February, Solo City started the events with Solo Great Sale Opening Ceremony. The events held in Car Free Day at the Pon Market crossroad area. The ceremony was held as a commencement symbol of Solo Great Sale “Belanja Senang, Senang Belanja.” Sunday (2/2/2020).

Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman, Gareng Sri Haryanto stated that the number of participating merchant/tenants in SGS this year are 18.000, exceed the target of 7.000.

The ceremony was attended by Minister for Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises, Marketing Deputy, Ministry of Tourism, Regional Secretariat of Central Java, Surakarta Mayor, and Council for Provincial and Lower Level Government of Surakarta. This event was done smoothly and got the appreciation from people who crowded the area of Pon Market.

“This is part of the shopping tour that will advance our creative economy. Solo and the surrounding area have spirit, we use Solo the Spirit of Java. The derivative of Spirit of Java will be given a theme The Center of Body, Indonesian Mind and Soul. Later, one of the derivatives is wellness tourism. Surakarta and the surrounding area have potency to develop the wellness tourism with a health museum and several treatment centers related to wellness. This can be a special interest tourism quality product.” Said Tourism Marketing Deputy.

The public also being entertained with various interesting shows such as cultural carnival, there is also honorary stage for the cultural carnival participant to show of their ability with Solo Great Sale theme.

The good wishes from this opening ceremony is that public can enjoy the benefits that are given, and the industries involved will get the benefits or good impact for the economy of Solo City.


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