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Solo Culinary Heaven in 2022

Solo Culinary Heaven in 2022

Solo Culinary Heaven in 2022

Solo city well-known as a city of culinary heaven. There are many delicious food that must be tasted when you visit this city.

Solopos Media Group (SMG) collaborated with OVO held expedition with theme Solo Culinary Heaven in 2022. The expedition during four days, it started on Monday, 2022 June 3rd to Thursday, 2022 June 31st with walked through every Solo legendary culinary locations agenda.

There are 16 culinary destinations in the expedition, they are:

1. Srabi Notosuman
2. Kusuma Sari Restaurant
3. Angkringan Omah Semar
4. Sosis Gajahan
5. Sate Yu Rebi
6. Dawet Telasih Bu Dermi
7. Bu Mukini Store Pasar Gede
8. Soto Pak Timan
9. Tengkleng Pak Bejo
10. Selat Mbak Lies
11. Gudeg Adem Ayem
12. Sumber Bistik Pak Darmo
13. Loske Coffee Service
14. Angkringan Omahe Wawin
15. Cendhono Wangi
16. Shi Jack Laweyan


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