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Hundreds of archers take part in SIPAS (Solo Open Archery Competition) Championship (SSOAC #3)

Hundreds of archers take part in SIPAS (Solo Open Archery Competition) Championship (SSOAC #3)

Hundreds of archers take part in SIPAS (Solo Open Archery Competition) Championship (SSOAC #3)

(Saturday, 12 of October 2019) Hundreds of archers from 15 provinces and 60 districts in Indonesia take part in SIPAS (Solo Open Archery Competition) Championship (SSOAC #3) located in Benteng Vastenburg.

The ceremony started with carnival from Surakarta City Hall to Vastenburg Fort as the SSOAC #3 venue. Srimpen Jemparing dance performance enlived the opening of SSOAC #3.

SSOAC #3 championship started from 12 to 19 October 2019. There are 6 definitions of this year SSOAC #3 tournament, bandul/jemparingan tradition division U12, U15 and general. Target division for U12, U15 and general, National Category for U9, U12, U15, U24 Division, FITA Recurve Category for U15 and general Division, COUMPOND Category for U15 and General Division, BARBOW Category for General and master class Division.

There are 258 medals consisting of 198 medals for individual division and 60 medals for group divison. For the Total Beregu Jemparingan Champion there are a Mayor of Surakarta Rolling Trophy and a Mayor of Surakarta Trophy for the club with the most medals in FITA Divison.

The purpose of this competition are, besides to make Solo City as the cultural and tourism city also to raise the prestige of Solo City as the prestigious sports and cultural competition organisers.

This competition also expected to raise the bar of traditional archery arts/ Jemparingan as the form of caring an love with heritage tradition. Also contributed to archery athletes improvement.


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