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The Wellness Walking Tour Aims to Promote Tourism Potential of Kampung Wisata Baluwarti

The Wellness Walking Tour Aims to Promote Tourism Potential of Kampung Wisata Baluwarti

The Wellness Walking Tour Aims to Promote Tourism Potential of Kampung Wisata Baluwarti

The Wellness Walking Tour aims to promote tourism potential of Kampung Wisata Baluwarti (Baluwarti Village). The 3-4 hours tour visits and learns about the tourism potential of Baluwarti area including the Tamtaman and Gondorasan streets.

The participants enjoyed both the historic area of ​​the Keraton and the traditional herbal drink, called jamu.

Tamtaman Street Route.

The word tamtaman is taken from the name of the palace soldiers, who were commanded to guard the king and the palace itself. In this area, there is also a house that produces jamu, which is the drink for the palace soldiers, such as jamu cabe puyang and jamu beras kencur.

The Gondorasan Street Road

Gondorasan is the kitchen of the palace that functions to cook various sesajen (sacrificial offerings) for the sake of traditional ceremonies that take place in the Surakarta Palace, such as daily rituals or Keraton annual ceremonies (Maulud and Sura commemoration). The Gondorasan kitchen is led by a courtier with the title Lurah Gondorasa (The Chief of Gondorasa) who is assisted by nine female servants who are assigned to cook. The cooking process is carried out every Selasa Kliwon (Tuesday) and Thursday for sesajen and wilujengan (a ceremony to show gratitude).


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