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Hajaddalem Gunungan Grebeg Maulud Wawu 1953 Atmosphere

Hajaddalem Gunungan Grebeg Maulud Wawu 1953 Atmosphere

Hajaddalem Gunungan Grebeg Maulud Wawu 1953 Atmosphere

(Saturday, 9/11/2019) Thousands of residents amidst the scorching sun enthusiastically watched and snatched gunungan (cone-shaped offerings)  Grebeg Maulud Wawu 1953, which was the culmination of Sekaten celebration.

Two pairs of gunungan consisting of agricultural produce were paraded from the Surakarta Palace to the Kagungan Dalem Masjid Ageng the Surakarta Hadiningrat Sunanate Palace.

Grebeg Maulud is held as the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday. Grebeg Maulud is conducted in the early of Rabiul or month of Maulud on the Javanese calendar.


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