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Cultural Art Event Enliving Saka New Year 1945/2023

Cultural Art Event Enliving Saka New Year 1945/2023

Cultural Art Event Enliving Saka New Year 1945/2023

The Art Cultural Event which was held in Solo City on Saturday, March 18 2023 was part of events in order to welcome Nyepi Day for the Saka New Year 1945/2023 for the first time after previously attending the Cultural Carnival on Jl. General Sudirman Surakarta.

The lively event that was held at the Surakarta City Hall is clear evidence that Solo is a city of culture with character and a spirit of high tolerance.
Cultural performances from various Solo and Balinese art communities include the Bleganjur fragmentary entitled Prabawa Nata from Sangita Mredangga Studio from Kab. Jembrana Bali.


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