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The Soldiers’ Cultural Attractions of Surakarta Hadiningrat Kasunanan Palace

The Soldiers’ Cultural Attractions of Surakarta Hadiningrat Kasunanan Palace

The Soldiers’ Cultural Attractions of Surakarta Hadiningrat Kasunanan Palace

Solo City never stops presenting various kinds of festivals and cultural events. Now, Solo City is highlighting an event that involve historical elements. This activity was held on Kamandungan of Surakarta Hadiningrat Kasunanan Palace with the theme of soldiers’ cultural attractions. This soldiers’ cultural attraction is held openly for the public with the aim of preserving the traditions of the warriors of the Surakarta Hadiningrat Kasunanan Palace. which have grown from generation to generation. This event is also routinely holds every Saturday at 04.00 PM in the Kori Kamandungan of the Surakarta Hadingingrat Palace. The event is also free for public space.

The soldiers’ cultural attractions of Surakarta Hadiningrat Kasunanan Palace Surakarta present an attractive appearance from the collaboration of palace soldiers, people’s soldiers and the artist community. Besides that, the soldiers’ culture attractions also place the palace soldiers as a source of inspiration and the roots of tradition in the creation process. This soldiers’ attraction can be enjoyed every weekend, more precisely on Saturday afternoons at the Surakarta Hadiningrat Kasunanan Palace.

In practice, the palace soldiers commonly called bregada and they have their respective duties according to the group of soldiers. The palace soldiers are divided into 7 lines of soldiers, some of them are the Bregada Musik whose giving signals to start the war, besides that there are Bregada Tamtama who are being the front guard troops in maintaining the safety of King.

This soldier’s attraction was also recorded in history at the moment of the 2022 ASEAN Para Games Stamp that were given at the event to the soldiers of the Surakarta Palace as a form of high appreciation for their role in ancient times in maintaining the defense and security of the kingdom. In addition to increasing tourist attraction, the cultural attractions of the palace soldiers also functioned to support several local businesses that make costumes for the Surakarta Hadiningrat palace soldiers. This is intended so that local business can also keep in the process of cultural preservation.


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