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Solo City New Logo “Solo the Spirit of Java”

Solo City New Logo “Solo the Spirit of Java”

Solo City New Logo “Solo the Spirit of Java”

“Solo the Spirit of Java” is a form of branding for the City of Solo, which implies that Solo is the soul of Java. The slogan was created in 2005 and ratified in 2008 through a joint regulation with the Head of the Solo Raya Region. After 17 years of creating this slogan, in 2022 the Surakarta City Government is changing the logo.

Last November, a logo redesign competition “Solo the Spirit of Java” was held. The competition resulted in a new logo with purple and green colours. The logo is the work of a Bandung resident, Andrea Isa. The choice of purple and green logo colours also has its own meaning. The purple colour represents the majesty and cultural richness of the City of Solo. While the green colour represents growth and sustainability.

The “Solo the Spirit of Java” logo that looks like it is smiling has a deep meaning. The following is the meaning of the new logo “Solo the Spirit of Java”.

  • Visualization of the Gunungan at the top, representing the image of Solo as a city of culture and one of the icons of Javanese culture in general. The purpose of this Gunungan is to give a quick impression and perception of the context of “Solo the Spirit of Java”.
  • The green colour in Gunungan also resembles the visualization of leaves, which gives a sustainable meaning. As a manifestation of Solo City to build with a sustainable awareness. Building tourism based on sustainable tourism and all forms of environmentally sound development.
  • The visualization style of the logo using the “doodle” approach gives a humanist, not stuffy, and friendly impression. Bringing a new direction of branding Solo City to be fresher, contemporary, dynamic, creative and modern.
  • The line in the form of a curved curve that connects the two letters “o” in the word “Solo” gives a message of smile which represents a form of hospitality and all forms of local wisdom of the citizens of the city of Solo. In addition, the curved curve also conveys messages of connection and collaboration.

The change in the logo and slogan is based on various reasons, such as a new foundation for the Surakarta City Government in formulating future development programs based on the values of ‘Javanese Soul’. Apart from that, the renewal of the logo was also done as a form of refreshing the appearance of the logo without changing the tagline “Solo the Spirit of Java”. With this refresher it is hoped that it will be able to withstand the times for the next 15 years.


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