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13th Grebeg Sudiro Synergy in Caring for Diversity

13th Grebeg Sudiro Synergy in Caring for Diversity

13th Grebeg Sudiro Synergy in Caring for Diversity

Sunday (01/19/2020) Grabeg Sudiro Carnival took place lively. Thousands of residents crowded the Pasar Gede area which as the starting point for the cultural parade.

Grebeg Sudiro is an annual. Carrying the theme Synergy in caring for diversity, Grebeg Sudiro 2020 enters the 13th years. Grabeg Sudiro Carnival is only a ward level but it is able to enter the national event calendar so this is something to be proud of and must be preserved.

Chairman of the Sudiro Grebeg Committee, Arga Dwi Setyawan said that this event was the culmination of a series activities that had taken place from January 14, 2020.

“Grebeg Sudiro, cultural products that arise from the awareness of the diversity of various ethnic groups in the economic area in Pasar Gede or Sudiroprajan. Coupled with the presence of the Pasar Gede Harjonegoro haritage area. Cultural potential can also be collaborated into interesting cultural attractions to be presented to the community,” he explained.

The series of Grebeg Sudiro events began with the launch of Kali Pepe Tourism Boat on January 14, 2020, Potential Market, Umbul Matram on January 16, 2020, Heritage and produce carnival, traditional arts entertainment and cultural carnival today is a collaboration of various communities in Sudiroprajan Village , and the closing stage will be held on January 24 around the Pasar Gedhe.

In his remarks the Mayor of Surakarta, FX. Hadi Rudyatmo invited the people to hold this Grebeg Sudiro event every year. Grebeg Sudiro is an implementation of 3WMP (healthy, skilled, satisfied, prosperous, well-established), means that every community is able to unite in an effort to uphold Unity in Diversity. The Mayor of Surakarta also hopes that people can enjoy a beautiful performance presented by various regions, that is the plurality of Surakarta.

The Grebeg Sudiro Carnival was supported by 2,000 people who were joined into 62 groups of participants. This event ended with grabbing food in Jodang and distributing 4000 cake baskets or Chinese citizens’ cash at Chinese New Year celebrations to the people around Pasar Gedhe.


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