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Logo Designing Competition of Surakarta city 277th Anniversary

Logo Designing Competition of Surakarta city 277th Anniversary

Logo Designing Competition of Surakarta city 277th Anniversary

On the occasion of Surakarta city 277th Anniversary, Surakarta city government hold  Logo Designing Competition of Surakarta city 277th Anniversary, the competition opens for public, the requirements are:

1.     Logo design made by yourself and original creation,

2.     Logo design is not consist of SARA (ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group relations), porn and violence,

3.     Logo design reflects to enthusiasm of resurrection (Resurrection of  intergrated economy, tourism and Cultural creativity),

4.     Logo design consist of Javanese culture,

5.     Winner’s logo belongs to Surakarta city Government.

Logo Design Competition start from January 20th and it will be end on Wednesday, January 26th 2022 at 12.00 pm,

The participant send the logo via email : [email protected], the conditions:

  1. Subject : name_logo277
  2. Send 2 files consists of 1 logo file (jpeg) and 1 pdf file consist of biodata participant (1st page) and logo and it’s philosophy (2nd page)

Go prepare you’re the best design!


Nanang (085642226074)
Rian (085642242262)


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