Taman Balekambang
Balekambang Park was originally named as Partini Tuin and Partinah Bosch. It was built by KGPAA Mang...
Balekambang Park was originally named as Partini Tuin and Partinah Bosch. It was built by KGPAA Mang...
The Djoeang 45 Building was founded in 1880 and is considered as a cultural heritage building in Sol...
Kampung Kemlayan has a very long history and has been closely related to the Surakarta Hadiningrat K...
A creative public space to facilitates innovation. Solo Techno Park provides comfortable meeting roo...
Pesarean Kyai Ageng Henis salah satu situs destinasi wisata. Pintu gerbangnya berada di posisi sebel...
Jayengan was a region to stay for the King's relatives and retainers since Paku Buwana X era. The Ki...
Pucangsawit, Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57125 Sunan Jogo Kali Park is located on the b...
The Ngarsopuro corridor is one of the cultural corridors in Solo City. The Ngarsopuro corridor is al...
The Gatot Subroto Corridor is located along Gatot Subroto St. This corridor is equipped with its bea...
Wayang Orang is one of traditional performing arts. This performing art is the combination of acting...
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