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Keraton Kasunanan Museum - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Keraton Kasunanan Museum

Surakarta Palace Museum
Jl. Sidikoro No. 1-2, Baluwarti, Kec. Ps. Kliwon, Surakarta City, Central Java 57144

tel. (0271) 641243

The Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace Museum or the Surakarta Kasunanan Palace Museum is a special museum that collects cultural objects from the Paku Buwono Solo Palace. The Keraton Museum is divided into two main buildings on the west and east. Both buildings have rooms containing the handicrafts of the Surakarta Palace.

At the front of the museum there is the Sasana Sumewa room which contains a bronze cannon named Kyai Rancawara. This building was used as the place for Pasewakan Agung, namely the meeting between the king and his messengers. In the room named Siti Hinggil Lor there is a throne for the king named Dhampar Kencana.

The objects collected were relics of the Surakarta Kasunanan Palace and several temple fragments found in Central Java. The form is in the form of cooking utensils for courtiers, ancient weapons used by the royal family and artistic equipment. Apart from that, there is also a golden carriage, the great hats of Pakubuwana VI, Pakubuwana VII, and Pakubuwana X.

The museum building was previously used as an office building. Each room was later restored to become a museum exhibition space. The last restoration of the museum was carried out in 2003. The management of the museum was handed over to the Surakarta Palace and the Surakarta City government.


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