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Astana Oetara Museum - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Astana Oetara Museum

KGPAA Mangkunegara VI reigned in 1896-1916 his nickname was RM. Soejitno, he is the younger brother of KGPAA Mangkunegra V. As the ruler of Mangkunegara VI, he prioritizes economics and finance so that the Mangkunegaran treasury which had fallen can be restored by means of spending efficiency and optimizing trade.

Mangkunegara VI was a pioneer figure who was able to restore management of the Mangkunegaran company with direct control by the Mangkunegaran and was able to separate company finances from the Kingdom’s finances. All companies were under the control of the superintendent and the intervention of the Dutch resident in the company’s finances ended, so the Mangkunegaran became autonomous in managing royal finances.

Mangkunegara VI had extraordinary work achievements at that time. He succeeded in implementing praja reform from a bad situation, rebuilding the strength of the Mangkunegaran Legion, creating a climate of pluralism within the Mangkunegaran Praja by allowing courtiers to embrace Christianity, restoring the Mangkunegaran finances and economy, creating wayang arts in namely wayang art that lasts all night to 4 hours, prohibits the worship of sacred places which serve as a cover for places of scandal and prostitution.

In 1916 Mangkunegara VI actually resigned secretly from the throne and left for Surabaya with his family, he had 2 sons and daughters, namely KPH Soejono Handayaningrat and BRAy Soewasti Hatmosurono, in Surabaya. Hatmosurono was actually active in the Budi Utomo movement together with Dr.Sutomo.

Mangkunegara VI died on June 25 1928 in Surabaya, and his body was laid to rest at Thiong Ting Solo and then he was buried in Astana Utara Nayu which is a family burial complex.


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