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LALADORE (LAre LAre DOlanan soRE) in Cerdas Jebres Surakarta Park

LALADORE (LAre LAre DOlanan soRE) in Cerdas Jebres Surakarta Park

LALADORE (LAre LAre DOlanan soRE) in Cerdas Jebres Surakarta Park

Saturday (11/05/2019) LALADORE (LAre LAre DOlanan soRE) is comeback to entertain as well as reminding us of the traditional game for the community, this time at the Taman Cerdas Soekarno Hatta Jebres Surakarta. Also present was Putri Lawu and Mbak Jebres 2018 to celebrate the Laladore event on May 11, 2019 this time. In addition to playing together, Sons and Daughters of Solo invited the community, especially children, to participate in clogs, slimming competitions and so on. In addition there is also a distribution of free books for the children present.

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