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Preserving Indonesian Reog Artists

Preserving Indonesian Reog Artists

Preserving Indonesian Reog Artists

The Surakarta City Culture Office held a Semarak Singo Barong Festival featuring 30 reog artists from various regions in Indonesia including East Java, Central Java and Jakarta. This festival is held for 2 days on September 14-15, 2019 at Vastenburg Fort Solo.

It’s an annual festival and it’s the seventh time it’s been held in Solo.

Semarak Singo Barong Festival is an annual festival and it has been held for seventh time in Solo. Semarak Singo Barong Festival is held with the theme of Babat Alas Loboyo, which implies the symbolism of a wingit wilderness but in which there is peace, togetherness, and welfare.

The purpose of the lively Barong Singo is

  1. To realize the city of Surakarta as a city of culture, independence, progress and prosperity.
  2. Encourage reog artists to be more creative and innovative.
  3. Maintain and preserve reog culture in Indonesia.

In his speech, the mayor of Surakarta FX. Hadi Rudyatmo said that we need to maintain and preserve the reog culture in Indonesia so that it will not be copied / claimed by other countries and the Mayor wants a legal protection so that cultural-based festivals can continue to be held in Surakarta City, whoever the Mayor is.

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