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Boyong Kedhaton Carnival, Celebrating 278 Solo City’s Anniversary

Boyong Kedhaton Carnival, Celebrating 278 Solo City’s Anniversary

Boyong Kedhaton Carnival, Celebrating 278 Solo City’s Anniversary

(Friday, 02/17/2023) The Boyong Kedaton Carnival Procession for the 278th Solo City’s Anniversary took place from the Gatot Subroto Corridor until the Surakarta City Hall Courtyard.

This tradition was held every year as a sign of the birth of Solo City. Kirab Boyong Kedhaton (The Boyong Kedaton Carnival) describes the movement of the Kartasura Palace to Sala Village.

Participants in the boyong kedaton carnival consisted of Surakarta City artists including Mataya Art and Heritage, Pesona NusantaraSMK N 8 Surakarta and Surakarta Palace Soldiers.


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