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Indonesia Gamelan Become UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage

Indonesia Gamelan Become UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage

Indonesia Gamelan Become UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage

Celebrated submission certificate of Gamelan as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, the Mayor of Surakarta city, Gibran Rakabuming Raka accepted Gamelan ICH-UNESCO certificate in Balaikota City  hall on Friday (9/16/22). Mahambara Gamelan Nusantara: ‘Gamelan Indonesia untuk Dunia’ became the main theme of the celebration, certificate submission of Indonesia Gamelan as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.

The celebration event was enlivened by three performances of Gamelan D’Eselon, the Tribute to Rahayu Supanggah Concert, and the Paramagangsa Silang Gaya Nusantara Concert. The show also features 200 artists representing various musical styles.

Director of Cultural Development and Utilization of Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of Indonesia, Restu Gunawan in his speech said that thanks alot for all of commitee who enlivened the night event. Especially for ISI Surakarta team so that Gamelan can recognize the world by WBTB UNESCO certificate

Restu in his speech said that “Finally the ceremony submission of the certificate has done tonight. The collective hard work with friends from Solo finally resulted in recognition from UNESCO,”

After the certificate was issued by UNESCO, Restu emphasized that conservation efforts must continue to be carried out. Especially, by the younger generation in the future.

“This is our duty, let’s take advantage of the existing gamelan together. Thank you to ISI Surakarta and all committee involved in this activity,” he said.

Rector of ISI Surakarta, I Nyoman Sukerna, deliberately packaged the submission of the Gamelan certificate with a grand concert. The goal is that gamelan can be better known and more familiar with the community, especially among young people.

“”This application was initiated by Prof. Rahayu Supanggah (deceased) since 2017. After going through a long process, it was finally recognized by UNESCO on December 15, 2021.” he explained.

Besides that, the Mayor of Surakarta city, Gibran Rakabuming gives full of support so that gamelan can be  known among young people. One of them is the addition of  gamelan teacher in Surakarta, remembering many karawitan arts studio in Bengawan city. “Now the teachers need to be reproduced. If ISI students can come down and teach our younger siblings (playing gamelan). There is at least one person in each village,” he concluded.


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