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Bengawan Solo Travel Mart 2019

Bengawan Solo Travel Mart 2019

Bengawan Solo Travel Mart 2019

Bengawan Solo Travel Mart is a tourism promotion event of Solo City which is held regularly every year with business meeting for the buyer consisting of travel agencies which has the potential to sell tour packages of Solo City destination and the seller which is a tourism service provider of Solo City
in the form of hotels, tourist destination, restaurant, transportation, gift and entertainment area in Solo City as the main agenda

Besides the business meeting which the transaction is expected immediately to occur, the participants were also invited to take a trip to visit tourist destination planned by the committee.

In this annual event of 2019 Bengawan Solo Travel Mart which is included in the Surakarta city calendar of event under the Surakarta City Tourism Office on February 17th to 19th 2019. This moment was held in connection with the celebration of Solo City anniversary with Jenang Festival as the highlight of the anniversary celebration thus the buyer can enjoys various kinds of Jenang.

This event will also be attended by 70 buyers from Makasar, Bali, Bogor, Jogja, Flores, Bojonegoro, Malang, Badung, Semarang, Surabaya, Lombok. From the buyers who were present, there were several potential buyers selling Solo City tour packages for example Panorama Destination, Sun Education (Join local partner with Mokaya Tour Solo), Merapi Pesona (European visitors), Pasindo Tour
and several other potential travel bureaus.

The seller is focused on the potential of Solo City from hotel, tourism destination, Tourism transportation, gift, and restaurant also the entertainment area.

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