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Ahead of SIPA 2019, the Committee Introduces the Mascot of This Year

Ahead of SIPA 2019, the Committee Introduces the Mascot of This Year

Ahead of SIPA 2019, the Committee Introduces the Mascot of This Year

Solo International Performing Art will be back on September, 5-7 2019 at the Benteng Vatenburg in Solo City. Through a press conference held on June 17, 2019 in Dalem Mloyokusuman, the committee introduced Elizabeth Sudira as the 2019 SIPA mascot. Also present fashion designers Rori Wardana, and Antonius Anung as MUA.

Elizabeth Sudira was a MC at the SIPA program for 7 years and this year appointed as a mascot. Elizabeth Sudira chosen because, Elizabeth represented young generation who were passionate about art and through the work compatible with this year “Art as a Social Action” according to Ms. Irawati Kusumorasri as the director of SIPA

Mbak Eliz (her nickname) with Tiga Musik specifically made the song dedicated to SIPA entitled “Sukaria”. The song will be released at the same time as the SIPA 2019 event.

On this year’s SIPA, Rori Wardana claimed to have a little brain storming in making the fashion concept that will be used by the mascot of SIPA 2019. The mascot wears Sogan Solo batik with a ceplok gurdo pattern that is used as the pants. Thus, the mascot can performs her singing ability more freely and with modern-looking kebaya as the top also lightweight accessories as the symbolic of energetic and dynamic young generation.

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