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The Surakarta City also livened up the Semarang Night Carnival 2019

The Surakarta City also livened up the Semarang Night Carnival 2019

The Surakarta City also livened up the Semarang Night Carnival 2019

The Semarang Night Carnival Cultural Parade Event 2019 was held lively, as evidenced by the Thousands of residents crowding along Jalan Imam Bonjol, Jalan Captain Pierre Tendean, and JalanPemuda, Semarang City, on July 3th, 2019. APEKSI member cities (the Association of Municipal Governments throughout Indonesia) including the Solo City in it, which on July 2 – 6 took part in the APEKSI National Work Meeting in the City of Semarang.

In this event, the Surakarta City Government also enlivened the Semarang Night Carnival by presenting the Solo Batik Carnival (SBC) and the grace of the Putra Putri Solo. The community was enthusiastic about SBC, marked by selfies / photos with the participants.

The route starts from Jl. Imam Bonjol in front of Dian Nuswantoro University, heading to Jl. PiereTendean, then head to JalanPemudaBalaikota, and end at Pandanaran Building Jl. Imam Bonjol.

At the end of the event, the Mayor presented various souvenirs to the Mayor of Semarang as the host of Apeksi. This time the Mayor of Surakarta, represented by Deputy Mayor AchmadPurnomo, gave a souvenir in the form of a keris.


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