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Sriwedari Fair 2023: The Rise of the Legend Amusement Park in Solo

Sriwedari Fair 2023: The Rise of the Legend Amusement Park in Solo

Sriwedari Fair 2023: The Rise of the Legend Amusement Park in Solo

Taman Hiburan Sriwedari (Sriwedari Amusement Park) is a park that became a centre for the development of arts and culture in Solo City. Sriwedari Amusement Park was originally built by Pakubuwono X which was used as a recreation and resting place for the royal family.

Previously, Sriwedari Amusement Park was a place for families who wanted to spend their weekends. Amusement rides and games were available, made Sriwedari Amusement Park was crowd by visitors. Every night there was a wayang orang performance as a cultural preservation and it still exists until now. Not only full with amusement rides and games, but also full with many stalls sold some traditional toys from various arts and cultural items such as puppets for children, lumping horse toys, masks, paintings and etc.

After getting a total restoration and renovation, Sriwedari Amusement Park is now temporarily closed. But don’t be disappointed, soon there is Sriwedari Fair 2023 which will be held at Sriwedari Amusement Park with “People’s Market and UMKM Expo” theme. This event will be run to revive the economy of local businesses in Solo City, especially after being hit by a covid-19 pandemic so far.

Later, this event will take place from February 17th 2023 to March 5th 2023 and will be enlivened by some top groups and famous artists. Sriwedari Fair 2023 will provide shopping tours, family entertainment, rides for games for those who miss the old Sriwedari Amusement Park atmosphere. Wow, what an interesting idea to spend time with family. Come on join and join the Sriwedari fair 2023.


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