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Srawung Batik Nusantara as the Batik Day Ceremony

Srawung Batik Nusantara as the Batik Day Ceremony

Srawung Batik Nusantara as the Batik Day Ceremony

Saturday (02/10/2021), is the commemoration of National Batik Day. Solo City also known as the City of Batik, held the Srawung Batik Nusantara (SBN) event. This year, the commemoration of Batik Day which was held in Solo carried the theme “The Story of the Country of Batik in a Pandemic Era”. Kauman Batik Village is one of the venues for the Srawung Batik Nusantara 2021.

Various Creative Classes via Zoom Meeting, Talkshow, Sharing Session, Fashion Show, Book Review, Fairy Tale of Batik, Online Shopping to Photo Contest on Batik Village are a series of events held at Kauman Batik Village which can be attended virtually by the general public through Instagram Live Streaming at @srawungbatiknusantara and @gibran_rakabuming, as well as Pariwisata Solo Youtube Channel.

Kauman Batik Village was used as a place to open the Srawung Batik Nusantara Event which was held until October 3, 2021. Opening remarks by PIt. Head of Solo Tourism Office, Aryo Widyandoko. Followed by remarks from the Chairperson of Kauman Batik Village and remarks from Heru Mataya as the Director of the Srawung Batik Nusantara Program.

Srawung Batik Nusantara is expected to revive the batik craft industry and can become a driving sector for the economy of Solo City.


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