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The Schedule of Sendratari Ramayana for 2021

The Schedule of Sendratari Ramayana for 2021

The Schedule of Sendratari Ramayana for 2021

Sendratari Ramayana is performed once in a month during the full moon at 7.30 p.m. Several dance studios in Solo took part in enlivening by presenting stories that have been listed according to schedule.

The health protocol entering Balekambang Park:
1. Washing hands in the place that has been provided
2. Wearing a mask
3. Body temperature not above 37.5 ℃
4. Children under 5 years old are not allowed into the area


Schedule for Sendratari Ramayana at Balekambang Park 2021

January 29th, 2021: Sayembara Mantili – Sanggar Arsa Jumangkah Surakarta

February 19th, 2021: Rama Tundung – Sanggar Langit Surakarta

March 19th, 2021: Sinta Ilang – Sanggar Sang Citra Surakarta

April 23th, 2021: Lahirnya Anoman – Sanggar Pincuk Surakarta

May 28th, 2021: Geger Goa Kiskenda – Sanggar Solah Gatra Surakarta

June 25th, 2021: Anoman Obong – Sanggar Gladi Beksan Fak. Kedokteran Surakarta

July 23th, 2021: Rama Tambak – Sanggar Surya Sumirat Surakarta

August 20th, 2021: Sarpakenaka Prahasta Gugur – Sanggar Gedhong Kuning Surakarta

September 24th, 2021: Kumbakarna Senopati – Sanggar Orek Surakarta

October 15th, 2021: Brubuh Alengka – Sanggar Mutihan Surakarta

October 26th, 2021: Ramayana Fullstory – Sanggar Metta Budaya Surakarta

November 19th, 2021: Sinta Obong – Sanggar Hasta Mattaya Surakarta

December 17th, 2021: Kusyalawa (Sinta Tundung) – Sanggar Semarak Candra Kirana Surakarta


Come and enjoy Sendratari Ramayana at Balekambang Park, save the date!


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