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Local wisdom related to culture has an important meaning to maintain the sustainability and preservation of culture. Moreover, in the midst of modernization (globalization) which in reality can shift local cultural values. Local wisdom that is full of values contained inside it is passed down through ritual activities and education. However, in reality, these traditional values are only part of the lives of people who still firmly maintain the tradition.

In reality, the shift in cultural values often results in the oblivion of cultural values and local wisdom that have grown and developed from generation to generation. The shift in cultural values, especially in urban areas, has been degraded, so it tends that the people who use the culture themselves no longer recognize local wisdom properly. In this context, various preservation efforts need to be made, one of which is by increasing public appreciation of cultural values that can realize local wisdom. Increasing public appreciation of cultural values in a communicative, educative, and involving various circles of society, especially in Surakarta can be done through routine activities of “Grebeg Sudiro”.

The variety of cultural works based on differences of geographical, ethnicity, religion, beliefs and so on provides a rich color of the cultural works of the Indonesian nation. The concept of “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” which has been stated in the Book of Sotasoma, a great work of literature in the early Middle Ages, has become the foundation in building diversity in the unity of the birth of the Indonesian nation which was proclaimed in the youth oath on October 28, 1928.

The diverse cultural colors that are intertwined with bacxik and deep for generations foster healthy cultural interactions and often give birth to cultural syncretism (cultural marriage) and give birth to new cultures that are uniquely Indonesian.

Grebeg Sudiro is a destination for cultural preservation through direct cultural interaction and multiculturalism in Surakarta City, and Indonesian society in general. Grebeg Sudiro is an annual event held by all residents of Sudiroprajan Village, Tien Kok Sie Temple, Pasar Gede and has been held since 2008.

Grebeg Sudiro has become a cultural activity that contributes to the distinctive culture of Surakarta.

Grebeg Sudiro, which has been going on for 16 years, has given color and identity to Surakarta City as a City of Culture, and has even become a typical tourism agenda in Surakarta City.  Grebeg Sudiro, which was motivated by the Javanese-Chinese cultural ties, then gave birth to a culture in the Surakarta area and its surroundings that was intertwined as an effort to preserve culture more broadly and diversely, in 2025 Grebeg Sudiro was enhanced through the concept of National culture. With the help of development funds from the Surakarta City Government and the Central Java Provincial Government, Grebeg Sudiro is expected to become an international event in the future.

The celebration of the Sudiroprajan community in every implementation has succeeded in becoming a destination for cultural interaction and education, as well as being a cultural preservation activity that has been awaited by the people of Solo Raya and its surroundings. As a cultural preservation activity, Grebeg Sudiro focuses on several main activities, namely: Umbul Mantram, Cultural Carnival, UMKM Bazaar, Kali Pepe Ornamental Boat Tour, Harmony in Diversity Exhibition, Festival Harmony InDiversity and Fireworks Party which is a collaboration of the Grebeg Sudiro 2025 Committee with the Chinese New Year Joint Committee.


“Harmony In Diversity”



  1. Increase the spirit of nationalism of the Sudiroprajan community in particular and the people of Solo City in general.
  2. Become social integration and pluralism in Surakarta City.
  3. Organizing cultural activities in the form of cultural acculturation, especially Javanese and Chinese.
  4. ​Supporting the cultural and tourism programs of Surakarta City.


a. Umbul Mantram.

i. Thursday, Januari 16 2025

ii. 6 P.M – end

iii. Sudiroprajan Sub-district 

b. Cultural Carnival

i. Sunday, Januari 26 2025

ii. 1 P.M – end

iii. Pasar Gede Surakarta Area

c. UMKM Bazaar

i. Friday – Friday, Januari 17 – 31 2025

ii. 6 P.M – 11 P.M

iii. Pasar Gede Surakarta Area

d. Kali Pepe Ornamental Boat Tour

i. Friday – Friday, Januari 17 – 31 2025

ii. 6 P.M – 11 P.M

iii. Kali Pepe behind BRI

e. Harmony in Diversity Exhibition

i. Friday – Wednesday, Januari 24 – 29 2025

ii. 6 P.M – 11 P.M

iii. North parking area, Surakarta cityhall

f. Festival Harmony In Diversity

i. Tuesday, Januari 28 2025

ii. 6 P.M – end

iii. Pasar Gede Area


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