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Adeging Kutha Sala Colossal Opera Performance “Sala Gumregah”

Adeging Kutha Sala Colossal Opera Performance “Sala Gumregah”

Adeging Kutha Sala Colossal Opera Performance “Sala Gumregah”

Thursday, (17/2/2022) A day of Surakarta city’s  277th anniversary celebration, people spoiled with several cultural event in order to celebrate it, after holding Kirab Boyong Kedhaton (Colossal dance of Boyong Kedhaton Culture Parade) Government of Surakarta city held Adeging Kutha Sala Colossal Opera Performance titled Sala Gumregah in Pendhapi Ageng Balaikota Surakarta.

Adeging Kutha Sala Colossal Opera Perfomance is a colossal dance tell the history of  Solo city and it become one of history function to remind people about the story of Solo city. Besides that give comprehension to young people do not forget about history so that young people know the origin of Solo city and collaborate with Government of Surakarta city in order to build the better the city, because it needs people synergy and government  to pursue Solo city  become safety, comfortable and peace.

Watch the video on Pariwisata Solo Youtube Channel.


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