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Remembrance of History at the UNS Museum - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Remembrance of History at the UNS Museum

Four more decades of Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Solo colored the world of education in Indonesia. During that period, not many knew the history of the proud campus of Bengawan City from time to time. Right at the age of 41st in 2017, the UNS Museum was present to summarize stories and record memories.

The UNS Museum is located on the 7th floor of the UNS Kentingan Campus library building. In it, there is information and history and historical and cultural data of UNS. Starting from the history of names and standing processes and historical items from 1952 to 1980. Among them were photographs of the campus at the beginning of the establishment to the ancient typewriters used by the chancellor before UNS exist. There are also old trophies, awards, and sports equipment.

Historically, UNS was a combination of 15 universities. Among them are IKIP Surakarta, Sports College (STO), PTPN Surakarta branch veteran, and Saraswati National University. The entire campus was established in the 1950s. Until finally in 1976, merged into one namely Surakarta Eleven March State University or abbreviated as UNS. Then, the name changed with the issuance of a new Certificate (SK) in 1980 to the University of March 11, with the permanent acronym UNS.

The establishment of the UNS museum is expected to be a reference, reference and information center for researchers, students and the general public. How and what has been produced by UNS to help advance the nation from the world of education. This museum is open to anyone free of charge.


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