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Rajamala, the legend Canthik boat of Surakarta Kasunanan Palace - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Rajamala, the legend Canthik boat of Surakarta Kasunanan Palace

Canthik Rajamala boat is an accessory made of wood it usually put on the edge of the boat made by Son of Crown Prince Paku Buwono IV, Raden Mas Sugandi (as KGPAA MANGKUNAGORO III) in the reign of Paku Buwono IV (1788-1820).

Canthik made of teak wood from Donoloyo Surakarta Palace’s private forest. Long time ago, there was a palace building teak needed to change, at the time there was a teak wood fall in Donoloyo forest. Although, Canthik Rajamala looks scary but this Canthik  based on the unbeatable character of Raden Rajamala’s magic in Wayang story (Wayang means traditional perfomances of Java) and it is as a symbol for  rejecting disaster and negative vibes.

Rajamala boat has 58,9 x 6,5 meters and it is say that  huge and courageous in long time ago. The evidence of the huge is the size of huge paddle. The paddle of Rajamala about 6,6 meter saved in Surakarta Palace’s Museum.

Long time ago, the boat functioned as water transportation for Queen Paku Buwono IV went to Madura. Then, Rajamala boat functioned as back and forth transportation to Solo-Gresik. In the reign of Paku Buwono VII made the duplicate of Canthik  that saved in Surakarta Palace.


You can see and visit this Canthik Rajamala in Radya Pustaka Museum and Surakarta Palace Museum.


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